Sadqa Al Fitr & Ramadan


Sadqah Al Fitr

Sadaqa-ul-Fitr, or Zakaat ul Fitr is an obligatory charity on every Muslim by the end of the month of Ramadan. This is different from the Zakat on your wealth - one of the 5 pillars of Islaam.

 While Sadaqa-ul-Fitr is a fixed amount per person, Zakat is based on 2.5% of your wealth and is one of the 5 pillars of Islam. Zakaat can be paid any time of the year.

Zakat ul-Fitr is Wajib the literal meaning of Zakat is the process of purification. Fitr is from the word Fitraah and its literal meaning is [one’s] nature or natural state. Hence the meaning of Zakat al-Fitr is to purify one’s nature.

It is reported that the Holy Prophet Muhammad 
[Sallal Laahu 'Alaiehi Wa Sallam] have said:

"Remember! Zakat ul-Fitr is Wajib [strongly recommended, just short of obligatory] on every Muslim, man or woman, free or in servitude, adult or child.”
Eid Mubarak

[Hadees: Tirmidhi's Sunan]

Hazrat Ibn Abbaas [Radhi Allaahu Anhu] narrated that the

 Prophet [Sallal Laahu 'Alaiehi Wa Sallam] have said that the Zakaat ul-Fitr is

 obligatory for the purpose of:

Purifying our fasting from vain talk and shameful mistakes, to make arrangements for the poor and the needy for food and clothing [for the festival of Eid].

[Hadees: Abu Dawud, Ibn e Majaa]

Those Entitled to Sadqat ul-Fitr
Those who are entitled to Sadqat al-Fitr and Zaakat mentioned in Qur’aan
Soorah Taubaa

" Zakaat is only for those who are poor and needy and those who are employed to administer it, and for those attracted to Islaam, and for the freeing of slaves, and for debtors and for the cause of Allaah and for the traveler. That is the duty enjoined by Allaah, He is knowing, Wise. ''

Every adult Muslim, with sufficient food for the family for a day, should pay Zakaat al-Fitr for himself/herself and all his/her dependents. Even those who did not fast should pay it. Zakaat ul-Fitr should also be paid for the child born or the person died before the Fajr [dawn] on the day of Eid.

At the time of the Prophet [Sallal Laahu 'Alaiehi Wa Sallam] payment of Zakaat al-Fitr was made in terms of weight of grain.

 It is one Sa for each person. One Sa approximately equals to 3.15 kg or 6.94 lbs. The Muslim jurists agree that Zakaat ul-Fitr can also be paid in cash equivalent to the cost of 3.15kg/6.94 lb. of grain including rice, wheat, lentils, corn, and dry cheese.

Prophet Muhammad [Sallal Laahu 'Alaiehi Wa Sallam] has said,

 "Whoever paid it [Zakat ul-Fitr] charity prescribed for Eid ul Fitr before Salaat ul Eid, it is acceptable Zakaat before Allaah Kareem. Whoever paid it after Salaat-ul-Eid, it is just a charity."

The companion of the Prophet [Ridwaanulla Alaaihim Ajaamain] used to pay it a few days earlier.

(Hadees: Bukhaari)

Hazrat Imaam Shafi'i held the opinion that Zakaat ul-Fitr can be paid as early as the beginning of Ramadan, so the poor and needy can benefit and it also enable them to use it for food and clothes and give them the opportunity to prepare enjoy the happiness of Eid-ul-Fitr.

Over time, it has become a practice among the Muslims to offer their Zakaat  in the month of Ramadan. This is generally done to increase one's Blessings.

We see in this a noble tradition of social responsibility being made a religious duty. By being charitable, we are not doing a favor to the poor, but we are giving them what is their legitimate due. 

Although it is usually translated as alms or charity, it actually means purity and uprightness.
It help us truly to taste the sweetness of faith, we must want for our brothers and sisters what we want for ourselves. 

For the Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam]  said:

"None of you will have faith until he likes for his [Muslim] brother what he likes for himself."
This philosophy of purification – of the soul, body, mind and wealth is related to the practice of fasting and the accompanying charity during the month of Ramadan and the subsequent celebration of Eid.

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