Hazrat Abu Hurairah [Radi Allaahu-Anhu] reports that the Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam] said often in his sermon. "O ...
      DU‘AA-E-NISF SHA‘ BAN-UL-MUAZZAM DU'AA Bismil-Laahir-Rahmaa Nir-Raheem
Holy Prophet Muhammad [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] Ahadees and  Shab e Baraat The giver is bent upon giving In this night. Where is...
Fasting in the Month of Shaban One should fast on the 13th 14th and 15th of Shaban, if not on all three then fast only on the 15th Shaaban. ...
Shaiekh Abdul Qaadir Jeelaani ... Meaning of the Month of Shabaan Shaban   Hazrat Ghaus-us-Saqaalain Shaah-e-Jeelaanee Ghaus...
 Honouring and Remembering the Great Imaam Hazrat Imaam Husaien  [Radiyal Laah Anhu] Remembering and Honouring the Great Imaam  Hazrat Imaam...
  HAZRAT ALI [Radi Allaahu-Anhu] … saying Our Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam] said that do Qiyaam [Ibadaat] in the nigh...
    MISCONCEPTION OF 15 TH SHABAAN EXPLAINED!!!       15 th   SHABAAN FROM AUTHENTIC AHADEES     In the name of Allaah, Most Gracio...
The Excellency of 15th of Shabaan....   The Excellency of 15th Of Shabaan.... Countless Mercies …. Abundance Of Reward ‘s Laielatul Muba...
The Month of the Holy Prophet  [Peace Be Upon Him ]                                                             Shaban/ Shabaan The mont...
    The Soorah /Surah Revealed on the 2nd of Shabaan On 2nd Sha'baan this Qur'aanic verse was revealed. [Soorah e Ahzaab] Undoub...
  Dua to be Read in the Islamic Month of Rajab Four Sacred Month                    Naturenow, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/...
Allaah Ta’ala says, in the Qu’raan “Then the Splendid Vision drew nearer, and then he came closer. So there was a distance of two ha...
وہ سرور کشوَر رسالت جو عرش پر جلوہ گر ہوئے تھے نئے نرالے طرب کے ساماں عرب کے مہمان کے لئے تھے   When The Supreme Prophet Went To His Journey...
  DID YOU KNOW? Baiet Al-Maqdis [or Baiet al-Muqaddas] is the first Qiblah of Muslims, it is located in the Palestinian city of Al-Quds or...
  The most beautiful event of this Holy month is the blessed journey of Mai'raj [The Night Ascension] which was held on the night of 27t...
Shab e Mairaj-The Night Of Ascension--27th  Will you then argue with him about what he saw?-Part-4 - The Prophet (Peace an...
Seeking Forgiveness (Istighfaar) “The 27th of Rajab, both its night and day holds great Blessings for the Believers.” Ghunya … Ab...