Hadees e Qudsi - Once I cast My love upon him

 [Hadees e Qudsi]

Abu Hurairaa

[Radial Laahu Anhu]

narrated that

 Rasool Allaah 

[Sallaal Laahu Alaiehi Wa Sallam] 


 " Whoever harms any of my Deputies, I shall declare war on him.

 The striving of my Servant to please Me does not receive a reward greater than that of fulfilling what I have commanded him to do. 

My servant volunteers in his perseverance, offering supererogatory devotion to please Me and to earn my Love.

 Once I cast My love upon him, I become his hearing with which he hears, his sight with which he sees, his hand with which he exacts justice, and his foot that carries him.

 Should my servant pray for something, I will answer his prayers and should he seek refuge in me, I will protect him. Indeed, there is nothing that I have decreed, which I hesitate to do for the sake of a believer except causing him to experience death. 

He dislikes it, and I hate to displease him, but I have thus ordained."

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