The Purpose of Milad Un Nabi [Peace Be Upon Him]

miladunanabi, Mawlid

The purpose of this Meelaad/ Milad/ Mawlid gathering is to celebrate a traditional ceremony. It dates back to the first generations of Muslims, namely to the tabi'un[the successors-namely the generation who came after the companions [Sahaaba] of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلمIt is a festival that has continued to be a means of reminding the community of Islaam of the teachings, outstanding qualities and traditions of the Messenger 
صلى الله عليه وسلم
And also it has been a tradition that Muslims have kept alive the awareness of both the trials of the noble Prophet of Islam صلى الله عليه وسلم as well as the sacrifices his companions endured in order to transmit the divine commands and instructions generation after generation all the way down to us.

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