Bismil-Laahir-Rahmaa Nir- Raheem
The Sacred Month of Rajab Mubaarak!
The entire world is the creation of Almighty Allaah, however, some places are considered more sacred and divine than others.
instance, prayers offered at Makaah and Madinah carry more value and
significance than those offered at an ordinary place. This is because some
places are more close and sacred because of their origins or their history.
Similarly, some months carry more value and significance
than other months. For example, Rajab is considered more sacred.
is the 7th month of the Islamic calendar and is one of the four sacred months,
the other three being Zill Qa’dah, Zill-Hajj, and Muharram.
When Allaah Al Kareem created the world, HE made time into
12 months and selected four of them as sacred, i.e. months which were to be
treated with great reverence, and one in which sin is to be avoided more than
ever and its benefits to be reaped through superogatory worship... Rajab is
distinct in that it is the sacred month that stands alone whereas the other
three fall in succession.
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