The Chaddar [Decorative Ceremonial Sheet] for the Shrine of Abdul Qaadir Jilaani of Baghdad Iraq from Turkish Government

The Chaddar [Decorative Ceremonial Sheet] for the Shrine of Abdul Qaadir Jilaani of Baghdad Iraq from Turkish GovernmentTurkish Govt

 The chaddar [Decorative Ceremonial Sheet] that will be put  on  Maqam /Shrine of  Saiyyid Shaiekh Abdul Qaadir Al Jilaani رحمة الله عليه

 this Thurday 26/11/2020 gifted by the Turkish government.

Mr. Khaled Abdul Qaadir Al-Kilani Metwally, Sheikh Abdul Qaadir Al-Kilani Mosque and Qadriya Endowments

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