The Best Judge among the Sahabah's -Hazrat Ali [Radiyal Laah Anhu]

 The Best Judge among the Sahabah's -Hazrat Ali

 [Radiyal Laah Anhu]

Hazrat Ali,


 Hazrat Ali [Radiyal Laahu Anhu] attained great knowledge from the holy court of Rasoolul laah [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam]. Hazrat Abu Amaar [Radiyal Laahu Anhu] reports that Hazrat Ali...

 said, “Ask me whatever you wish from the Quraan.

There is no Ayaat that I am not aware of. I even know whether it was revealed during the day or night, or it was revealed on soft our mountainous land.”

Hazrat Ali [Radiyal Laahu Anhu]….narrated hundreds of Ahadees. His knowledge, wisdom and decisions were so great that Hazrat Umar a-Farooq [Radiyal Laahu Anhu] says,

"The best judge amongst all the Sahaabah is Hazrat Ali" 

[Karramal Laahu Wajhahul Kareem]

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