Other Names for Ramadan...do you Know?

ramadan, fast

 Other Names for Ramadan:

 Ramadan is also known by other names, such as 
“The Month of Sabr (Patience)”, The Month of Good, and The Month of Increase in Sustenance. Ramadan is referred to as the month of patience, because in Ramadan we keep fast and show much patience in doing so, by abstaining from that which is halaal, during the duration of the fast. It is thus known as the Month of Patience. 

It is known as the Month of Good, because it is in this month that Muslims are usually more Almighty Allaah fearing and give generously to other Muslims for the pleasure of Almighty Allaah. It is known as the Month of Increase in Sustenance, because it is in the Month of Ramadan, that sustenance can be found in abundance, so much so, that even the poor and downtrodden attain the blessings of this month through increase in their sustenance. 

(Tafseer Naeemi Vol.2; pg 216)

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