Ottomans- Sultanat e Usmaania- & Mevlid un Nabee Celebration's!

Ottomans- Sultanat e Usmaania- & Mevlid un Nabee Celebration's!

 Ottomans [Sultanat-e-Usmaania] ruled Makkah and Madinah and most of the Muslim world for seven centuries. For those seven centuries the Imaams of Masjid Al Haraam and Masjid Al Nabawi Sharif used to organize, celebrate and lead the celebrations of Mevlid/Milaad un Nabee ...  the Birth of the Holy Prophet has always been celebrated throughout the Arabian peninsula before becoming Saudi Arabia including Masjid Al Haraam and Masjid Al Nabawi Shareef.

The New York Herald, January 31, 1853 (Reporting on the Celebration of Mawlid An-Nabi, the Birth of the Holy Prophet Muhammad [ﷺ] in Istanbul)

Amerikan Basınında "İstanbul'da Mevlid Kandili" Haberi, The New York Herald, 31 Ocak 1853

Sultan Ahmed Camiinde Mevlid Kandili, İstanbul, 1784

The Night of Mawlid al-Nabi (ﷺ) in the Mosque of the Sultan Ahmed, Istanbul, 1784
ليلة المولد النبوي (عليه الصلاة والسلام) في مسجد السلطان احمد، العام 1784 م
reference Ottoman Imperial Archives

Mevlid, Maulud, Milad,

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