What did the Companion Believed about the Meelad Un Nabee [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam]


Meelad Un Nabee of Holy Prophet Muhammad

[Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam]

هاجرت إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فقدمت عليه منصرفه من تبوك، فأسلمت

، فسمعت العباس بن عبد المطلب يقول: يا رسول الله إنى أريد أن أمتدحك، فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: قل، لا يفضض الله فاك

When the Noble Prophet [Peace be upon Him] returned from the expedition of Tabook in Madinah, his uncle Hazrat Abbaas [Radiyal Laah Anhu]

sought permission to recite some lines of poetry in his praise. He replied saying:

“Recite, may your mouth remain fresh”.

Thereafter Hazrat Abbaas [Radial Laah Anhu] began to recite his poetry, inside the Masjid, before the Beloved Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] and gathering of companions in which he mentioned the transition of our Prophet Muhammad in the loins of the previous Prophets and how he blessed them all, thereafter he said:

وأنت لما ولدت أشرقت الارض ونارت بنورك الافق

فنحن في ذلك الضياء وفى النور وسبل الرشاد نخترق

“...The day you were born the sun rose over the earth and the horizon was illumined with your Noor.

So, we – in that radiance and that light and paths of guidance – can pierce through”

Ibn Kathir’s Meelaad al-Mustafaa,

Page 29-30, Published in Lahore 1958



1. Kitaab al-Wafa, Vol. 1, Page 35

2. Khasais al-Kubra, Vol. 1, Page 97

3. Insaan al-Uyoon, Vol. 1, Page 96

4. Jawaahir al-Bihaar, Page 40

5. Anwaar al-Muhammadiyaah, Page 62-84

6. Hujjatul Laahi Ala Al-Alaameen, Page 222

7. Muwahib al-Laduniyaah, Page 23

8. Al Isti’aab Mustaadrak, Vol. 3, Page 327

9. Al-Bidayaa wa an-Nihayaa, Vol. 2, Page 258

10. Kitaab Al Mallaal wan Nahaal, Vol. 2, Page 240

11. Majmaa' Al-Zawaaid, Vol. 8, Page 217

12. Talkhees Al-Mustadrik, Vol. 3, Page 327

13. Subl al Huda War-Rishaad, Vol. 5, Page 469

14. Sharaah al-Shifaa (Mullaa Ali Qaari), Vol. 1, Page 364

15. Ibn Kathir’s Meelaad al-Mustafaa, Page 29-30, Published in Lahore 1958


Hazrat Abu al-Fiḍā ‘Imād Ad-Din Ismā‘īl ibn ‘Umar ibn Kathīr/Kaseer al-Qurashī Al-Damishqī; c. 1300 – 1373), known as Ibn Kathīr was a highly influential Arab historian, exegete and scholar during the Mamluk era in Syria. An expert on Tafsir (Quranic exegesis) and Fiqh (jurisprudence), he wrote several books, including a fourteen-volume universal history titled Al-Bidaya wa'l-Nihaya.


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