The Saying Hadith/Hadees of the Holy Prophet [Peace be Upon Him] & Acquiring Knowledge

 The Saying Hadith/Hadees of the Holy Prophet [Peace be Upon Him]

 & Acquiring Knowledge

‘It is not necessary for every person to become an ‘Religious Scholar’ [Aalim] or Faqih. However, every individual has to attain sufficient knowledge to be able to differentiate between that which is lawful and unlawful, and to know what the ‘Religious Duty’ Fard/Farz is is and what is compulsory mandatory/obligatory/ required [Waajib].

To acquire this amount of knowledge is Fard/Farz-e- ‘Aien upon every Muslim, and to acquire more knowledge than this is Fard-e-Kifaayah. It has been mentioned in the Hadees/Hadith, that it is compulsory  Farz upon every Muslim to acquire knowledge (of Deen).’

[Tafseer Khazain al-Irfan]

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