Forgiveness Duas- Taubah-Repentence



After ʿIshā /Ieeshaa Prayers 


Pray 2 Rakʿahs of Taubah to Allaah the Exalted

Then read…

Astagh Fir Ul-lāah Al-ʿAzeem Wa Atūbuu Ilaieh

I seek forgiveness from Allaah the Magnificent and I repent to Him

Lāa Ilāhaa Illā Anta Subḥānaka Innī Kuntu Minaz-Zalaymeen

There is no God but You, Glory be to You, surely, I have been of those who do wrong.

2 Rakʿahs with the intention of lifting hardship from the lands and the people.

          2 Rakʿahs with the intention of seeking pardon and well-being Saying whilst in Sajdah:


Allāahumma Innaka ʿAfuwwun Kareemun Tuḥibbul-ʿAfwa Faʿfu ʿAnnī. 

O Allaah truly You are the Gracious One who pardons, You love to pardon, so pardon me” 

Filling the end of the night with Istighfaār (seeking forgiveness), especially in the time leading up to Fajr.

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