Message to the people of Gaza -Truth Always Vanquishes Falsehood!

Message to the People of Gaza👇Gaza

They can cut your electricity but they can't extinguish your light, they can turn off your water but they can't dehydrate your spirit, they can block your fuel but they can't deplete your energy, they can cut your food but fasting feeds the soul, they can blockade you from air, sea and land but they can't stop Mercy descending on you, they can interrupt your internet but they can't scramble your communication with the Lord of the Worlds.

They can kill your body but they only enliven your soul, they can annihilate your women and children but they only accelerate the path to eternal bliss, they may have the weapons of mass destruction but they are the one's living in fear. 

You are the people of Palestine, enduring ignominy, injustice, torture, imprisonment, deprivation, punishment, oppression, injustice and dispossession for 75 years but you have been chosen to live in the blessed land. 

Truth always vanquishes falsehood, with patience comes the promise of victory. 

We remain in awe of your bravery, tenacity and resilience. Whilst our intervention may be terrestrial our thoughts will be celestial holding you in every breath, in every prayer and in every prostration. 

"Say not of those who are slain in the way of truth they are dead, nay, they are living though you perceive it not".

Imtiaz Sooliman

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