Durud /Durood Shareef-How is that for writing Saad, Laam, Aien, Meem; in place of Durood Shareef?


 Q 8: How is that for writing "Saad, Laam, 'Aien, Meem" in place of Durood Shareef?

Answer: One must write "Sallal laahu 'Alaiehi Wa Sallam" or the like with the blessed name of the Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] when he/she writes it. Some religious scholars maintain it to be "Waajib" (essential act). It is impermissible and "Haraam" (unlawful) to write "Saad, Laam, 'Aien, Meem" or only "Saad" in place of Durood Shareef or to write 'Aien, Meem or only 'Aien in lieu of 'Alaie-his-Salaam. Unfortunately, this ignoble act is so common now that even some religious scholars are also given to it. Just to save a little amount of ink or some space of paper or to save a few seconds they deprive themselves of Divine Blessings and Graces.

Hazrat Imaam Jalaal ud deen Siyyuti امام جلالدین سیوطی has reported that the man who was first to introduce this abbreviation of Durood Shareef had his hand amputated. Similarly, writing "Qaaf in place of "Quddisa

Sirruhoo" or "Raa Haa" in lieu of "Rahmat ul Laah Taa'laa 'Alaieh رحمۃاللہ علیہ" is an idiocy and is to deprive one of blessings. Such nonsense should be avoided.


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