The month of Rajab comes at an important time of the year for us. The coming of this month means that we are close to yet another Ramadan, God Willing. The intention is to mentally and physically prepare for Ramadan.
The lexical definition of Rajaba is "to
respect", of which Rajab is a derivative. In this month battles are
prohibited. The pre-Islaamic Arabs also considered warfare sacrilegious during
the four months.
Its Arabic roots are “Ra” which stands for the “Rahmat” or
Mercy of
Allaah Almighty; “Jeem” which stands for “Jood” which is the
Generosity of Allaah Almighty; and “Ba” which stands for “Bir” which is the
Goodness of Allaah Almighty.
The sacred month of Rajab is therefore filled from beginning till end with benefits for the believer from his or her Lord: Mercy without punishment, Generosity without restraint, and Goodness without harm.
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