To Follow and Honour the Holy Prophet [Peace Be Upon Him] by Sunni Revival Project


(Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam).

For the Believers: To establish a relationship with the Holy Prophet Muhammad [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam], you need to see him as a constant source of benefit and light which you constantly visit, he cannot be an obscure figure in the back of your mind. You need to have him in your life as a blessed fountain from which you drink every day. This is the spiritual ‘visiting’ of the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam). To do this means to read something from the teachings of the Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam) every night or morning, or both, and act on it during the day. We should be trying to take benefit from the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam) every day, otherwise there is no use, and he will seem distant in your mind. The memory of visiting the Prophet  (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam)can be fresh in your mind every day, if you choose to visit him every day! If you do not choose to visit, then how can you  have a relationship? It is that simple. The same rule applies in achieving nisbat with any of the Auliya e Kiraam or the Holy Qur’an also for example.
When we invite others to Islaam, and to faith, and to a life of belief, what could be our reason for doing so? If it is for personal reasons or worldly reasons, the other person will most likely not respond and not feel like entering the faith. However, if we give them a pure reason, one that transcends worldly limits, they will be sure to listen. The true reason for any of us attaining faith or guidance is Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace and blessings. Allaah Taa’alaa made him to be the cause by which He is praised by all creation. He is the generator of praise, all those who praise him are praising Allaah Kareem. If we look at the various aspects of the life of the Final Messenger, the one who was sent for this last age, we will find that there is no human being alive who does not want those same things in their life. It will soon be revealed to the reader that all they have ever been searching for in their life can be found in the practice of the Messenger,[Peace be upon Him] and without a clear conception of him, or without any real connection to him in our lives, there is not much else worth fighting for. We have fourteen hundred years worth of people who agree with us on this point. When the individual can achieve a true and sincere connection with this Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam) in their heart, they will not recognize the new world that will be opened to them.
Why would somebody in the west want to follow the Holy Prophet and be within his community?
Every human knows that he was created and he was once nothing, and that his time on this earth is limited, and that the reality of existence is that most of  the pleasures of this world are illusory, and that it is impossible that everything originated itself with no Creator. So they agree that they are created by a Single, All Powerful Creator, with a distinct and wonderful purpose, and that they are part of the brotherhood of mankind. As long as they accept that they are in the brotherhood of mankind, then they are ready to accept the message of the Divine which is explained most eloquently in the Holy Qur’an, which remains undefiled. If they belong to some other species, then we have no reason to call them to guidance. As for mankind however, Allaah Almighty, their Creator, promised to send them guidance, “and as for he follows My Guidance, he will not go astray and not be among the wretched”. This guidance came in the form of Prophets [Peace be upon All of Them]. Allaah Almighty, the Creator of Mankind declared that Our Master Muhammad(Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam)was the ‘Seal’ of Prophecy, and in Soorah Ash Shuraa, he declares about this Messenger, “Indeed you guide to a straight path”. As long as an individual is part of the human race, then he understands that Islaam is only the natural path which conforms most with his innate disposition, his fitra, 

“So set your face steadily and truly to that religion, the fitra of Allaah, in which He has created the mankind. There is no change in the way Allaah creates. That is the righteous religion. But most people do not know.” 
The Qur'aan
 (Ar-Room/ The Romans 30:30)

The Popularity of the Hero concept in Western History:

Many Westerners have felt drawn to the character of Jesus, peace be upon him, [Ieesaa Alaiehis Salaam] due to his ‘sacrifice’. Let us analyze this concept for a moment, keeping in mind that we do not believe that he actually died, neither did he intend to give up his life to purge anyone of sins, and let us try to understand what it is about his self-sacrificing and heroic nature that has endeared him to so many hearts across the world. We can safely say that without distinction, all Prophets sent by Allaah Ta’ala were self-sacrificing individuals who sought to fight all manifestations of evil, teach people about the reality of existence and who cared little for their own wellbeing, looking only to serve others. Prophet Jesus [ Ieesaa Alaiehis Salaam]deserves respect in the same manner that all Prophets [Peace be upon them]do, and they all deserve that we stay true to their legacy, not distorting it for any worldly purpose. The truth is that Prophet Jesus [Ieesaa Alaiehis Salaam] remained true to his rank of prophecy despite the objections of the Jewish Rabbi, the Sanhedrin, who sold their faith for worldly reasons, and he was therefore betrayed and martyred by his people. The later Christians invented a concept that he had died for their sins, allowing them to leave adherence to the law. The Shiites have created a similar concept regarding Imaam Husaien [Radiyal Laahu Anhu], who made a stand against a tyrant ruler and stood by Islamic principles, whereas the Shiites believed that he died to purge them of their sins. Islam did not come to teach people that they are helpless and that they need an infallible guide to help them out of their miserable situations, we have not been taught to sit and wait doing nothing until divine help arrives, we have been taught to be proactive. The reality is that all Prophets [Alaiehis Salaam] were simultaneously saviors to humankind, because they taught them the ways which allowed them to gain happiness, there is no automatic salvation by inclusion in the prophetic community, the prophets taught us how to fight the demons and escape from situations of misery. The notion of a group of people waiting for a ‘savior’ or a ‘hero’ to come and save them shows that they are lazy and do not want to make change themselves. The Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam] was undoubtedly the greatest hero and saviour, but the Companions who followed him had to make conscious decisions using their free will to follow his guidance and oppose the elders of the Makkans and the pagan Arabs.  He did not do all of the work for them, they had to take the steps to becoming spiritually independent, and he guided them to this.

In a book written about science fiction films in the Western Media and spirituality, David Wilkinson, a Christian has mentioned, “From Batman to E.T. we seem to need a saviour figure. A major part of the answer is that we realize that as human beings we need help. The astronomer Fred Hoyle pointed out that this was the reason for the belief in extra-terrestrial intelligence, ‘that we are going to be saved from ourselves by some miraculous interstellar intervention.’” Islaam teaches that there are indeed life forms outside our vision, but nobody is going to be saved by magical intervention with no effort on their part, since Allaah Almighty has created everything to be dependent on a means, and so to gain a particular ends, we have to take the appropriate means, we cannot have inactivity, waiting helplessly for a saviour because the ego has overwhelmed us. This will not do. Rather, the West may have realized, if they remove the blindfold from their eyes, that this saviour has come and gone, and millions of his representatives have equally come and gone. A hadees shows us, “work, for Allaah loves those who work.” The author continues, “We desire help and often seek it from the ‘hero outsider’, sometimes a supernatural being, sometimes a good human.” It is clear that in the West there is a need for a hero like figure, who brings with him the power of an immense outside force who supports those who use their will to fight evil and rescue themselves from misery and despair, in reality, who the west are looking for, but are too proud and narrow minded to admit, is the Holy Prophet

 [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam].

How should the Holy Prophet Muhammad 
 [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam] 
 be conceived of? 

What is the way that he is to be conceived?
The Holy Qur’aan states in Soorah Al Fath, that the Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam] has been sent so that we may respect him and honour him, in the divine sight, that is the best way to interact with the Prophet [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam],even for those who follow him but have never ever heard about his life, the best way to approach him is through respect and the utmost honour. It would be to understand that he is the second most ancient and sacred being in the entire universe. Anyone who fights for justice and truth, should know that he was the original teacher of justice and truth, anyone who fights evil and tyranny, should know that he is the master of defeating injustice and tyranny, anyone who opposes evil is either a direct or indirect follower of this Holy Prophet Muhammad [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam]. Any liberation or revolutionary movement against oppression is only performed with the chief of this movement being the Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam] himself. Anyone who fights for the rights of human beings and for the advancement of humanity is doing so only either directly or indirectly as a disciple of our Beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam].To honour him is to honour every human value that has ever been held sacred, to dishonour him is to dishonour the very fabric of humanity and is to dishonour anything which any human being has ever held sacred. This includes the honour of Prophet Jesus [Ieesaa Alaiehis Salaam], who is one of the leading disciples of Prophet Muhammad [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam]., who when he returns, will have the honour of being included in his nation, and being buried beside him. Any grant or reward or goodness which has ever come to any individual in this life has been given this through the intermediary of the Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam], a hadees in Sahih Bukhari explains, “Allaah Kareem is the Bestower of Blessings, and I distribute them.”

In the name of Allaāh, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Praise be to Allaāh, the Lord of the Worlds. Blessings and salutations, upon the seal of  All Prophets, our Master

Muĥammad [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam].,

his progeny, and all his companions.

Allaāh  Taa’laa is sufficient for us and in Him we trust.

A humble appeal to Muslim brethren:

My dear brothers! As-salāmu alaykum wa raĥmatu’llāhi wa barakātuh. May

Allaāh keep you, and for your sakes, this poor sinner, steadfast upon true faith
and grant us the true love of His beloved, the last messenger Saiyyidunā
Muĥammad [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam] and infuse his reverence and respect in our hearts; and that we
be in that state until our last breath. Āmeen, O Lord of the Universe!

Your Lord Almighty says:

O Messenger! Verily, We have sent you as a witness, and a harbinger and a

warner. So that, [O people!] you may bear faith in Allaah and His messenger;

and that you revere him and respect him, and that you sanctify your Lord in

the morning and evening.

O Muslims! Notice that the reasons for which the religion was given, and the

Qur’ān was revealed are three, as mentioned in the above verse: First, that people bear faith in Allaāh Almighty and His Messenger; second, that people revere and respect the Messenger [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam]  and; third, that they worship Allaāh Almighty .

O Muslims! Notice the elegant order of these three important principles. Faith

is mentioned first and worship of the Lord Almighty is mentioned in the last; and

in between these two, is the reverence and honor of His beloved Prophet [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam]..

Because, without faith, reverence of the Prophet  is of no use. There are

Christians who respect and honor the Prophet and defend his honor by

writing books and answering objections of scoundrels among infidels, and give

lectures in this regard but because they do not have faith, none of this is of any

use [to them] as this is mere extraneous respect. If they really honored the

Prophet with their hearts, they would surely bear faith in [his message].

Even if one spends his entire life worshipping the Lord, but without the

reverence of the Prophet in the heart, such worship is of no use and all of this

toil will be discarded. There are jogis and monks who have distanced

themselves from the world and they worship and remember the Lord in their

own ways and spend their entire lives doing this; there are also among them,

who even learn and recite the phrase: lā ilāha illā Allaāh, but until they respect

Muĥammad RasoolAllaāh  [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam] what is the use? None of this is accepted by Allāah Kareem.

It is these kind of people that Allāah Almighty has said: And they sent forth to us from their deeds, (but) we made them useless, like spent wool.

And about such people that He says: They toil and do deeds; but yet, they shall go inside a roaring fire. We seek  Almighty Allāah’s refuge!

O Muslims! Say, is it then, the love of Muĥammad Rasool Allāah  [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam] the basis of faith, the basis of salvation, the basis for good deeds to be accepted, or not?  Say: Yes it is!” And indeed, it is so.

Your Lord, Almighty Allaāh says: O Prophet! Tell them: If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your family, the wealth that you have amassed, and the business that you fear will be ruined, and dwellings that delight you; if any of these are more beloved to you, than Allaah and His Messenger, or more precious than striving in the path of Allaah then wait, until Allaah sends His wrath; verily, Allaah does not give way to the contumacious.

We learn from this verse, that if a person considers anybody, or wealth, or anything dearer than Allāah Almighty and His Messenger [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam], then such a person is turned away from the door of Allāah Kareem . And that Allāah  Taa’laa will not guide such a person towards Himself, and that such a person should await the wrath of  Almighty Allaāh.

We seek  Almighty Allāah’s refuge. Your beloved Prophet [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam], has said: None amongst you is a [true] believer, unless I am most beloved to him; and dearer to him than his own father, his children and all the people in the world.

This ĥadees has been reported by Bukhārī and Muslim and is narrated by the companion Anas ibn Mālik al-Anşarī [Radiyal laahu Anhu]. This clearly shows that if a person considers someone more honorable than Rasool Allaāh [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam], then certainly, he is not a Muslim. O Muslims! Is considering Muĥammad Rasool Allāah [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam], more beloved than the entire world, the basis of faith and basis of salvation or not? Say it is; and indeed it is so. All those who utter the kalimah, will gladly agree to all that has been said so far; and they will say: ‘Yes. The honor of Muĥammad Rasool Allāah [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam], is prominent in our hearts; and yes, we love him more than we love our parents, our children and the entire world.’ Brothers! May  Almighty Allāah make this to be true; but yet, listen to what your Lord says. Your Lord Almighty Allaāh  says: Do people expect that they will be spared at merely saying ‘We believe’, and that they will not be tested?

This verse is alerting Muslims that they will not be spared on merely uttering the testimony of faith or by claiming faith. Listen! Verily you shall be tested; and you

will be considered a Muslim only if you pass the test. In any test, it is seen whether indeed, the thing (being claimed) is present or not, to justify that claim. We have seen earlier that the Qur’ān and Ĥadees say that two things are necessary for faith to be real and present:

• Respect and reverence of Muĥammad RasoolAllaāh

[Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam],

• Love of Muĥammad Rasool Allāah
 [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam],  
 more than anything in this world.

The way to test this definitively is thus: Suppose those whom you respect; no

matter how much you revere them, or have a close friendship with them, or have

affectionate relations with them; like your father, your teacher, your guide,

your brother, your relatives, your companions; the scholar, the reader, the Muftī,

the preacher whosoever it may be; if you find them disrespectful towards

Muĥammad Rasool Allaāh [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam], then you should have no love or respect for them.

Separate from them immediately, and cast them away like you would cast a fly fallen in a glass of milk. Dislike them and do not even look at their faces. Do not bother about their relationship or friendship; or their being scholars or shaiekh’s; or their piety or elderliness.

All these qualities should be respected for the sake of Muĥammad Rasool Allaāh
 [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam].

When such a person is disrespectful to the Master himself, then what is the value

of this relationship?

Why should we be impressed by their clothes and turbans – do the Jews not

wear turbans? Why should we have a regard for their name, erudition, and

outward superiority – do we not see erudite Christian priests and philosophers,

who are masters of many sciences?

And if you do not heed this, and try to make excuses for the person who disrespects Rasool Allaāh [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam], and if you do not consider him the vilest and the most sinful; or at the least, you neglect this aspect and do not find dislike for a person disrespecting the person of the Prophet [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam] – then be fair, and ask yourself, by Almighty Allaāh! Did you pass the test? And how far did you stray away from the benchmark set by the Qur’aān and Ĥadees for attaining faith?

O Muslims! Will those who respect and love Muĥammad Rasool Allaāh  [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam],more than anything in the world, have consideration for such a person who utters disrespectful words about him? Even if such a person were his own teacher or father? Will they not detest such a person, even if he is a close friend or a brother, when he disrespects Rasool Allāah [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam], who is dearer to him than the whole world? For the sake of Allāah Kareem, have pity on your own selves, and heed the saying of your Lord Almighty – and see, how He calls you toward His mercy.

Says He: You shall not find those who have faith in Allaah and the Final Day (of Judgement) bearing love for those who oppose Allaah and His Messenger, even if they are their fathers, or sons, or brothers, or relatives; these are a people upon whose hearts, Allaah has inscribed faith and aided them with a Spirit; and will make them enter gardens in which streams flow underneath, and they shall abide in these gardens forever. Allaah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Allaah. This is the group of Allaah. Hear: verily, it is only the party of Allaah that is successful.

It is clearly explained in this verse, that a Muslim will not befriend someone who

Disrespects Almighty Allaāh or His Beloved Messenger 
[Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam] ;
 conversely, one who befriends them is not

a Muslim. And apart from the generic and absolute nature of the command,

there is a further clarification when ‘fathers, sons, relatives,’ are mentioned

specifically, and that one cannot befriend or love such a blasphemer, even if it is

a natural instinct to do so; or else, one does not remain a believer.

This commandment of the Lord Almighty was sufficient for a Muslim; but yet, He

calls you towards His mercy and motivates you by stimulating your interest in

His supreme and enchanting gifts. That is, if you keep away from those who

disrespect the Messenger, look at what you gain:

1. Allaāh  Almighty shall inscribe faith upon your hearts; which is In shaa Allaah, a glad tiding of a beautiful end; because that which is inscribed by Almighty Allāah cannot be erased.

2.  Almighty Allāh shall aid you by the Holy Spirit, the Archangel Gibrīl [Jibraeel Alaiehis Salaam].

3. He shall make you enter gardens of paradise, that abide forever and in

which streams flow underneath.

4. You shall be called ‘The Party of  Almighty Allaah’ and those who belong to Allaāh Kareem.

5. You shall get everything you ask for, and a million times more than you

can imagine.

6. That Allāah Almighty shall be pleased with you.

7. And He says: “I am pleased with you and you are pleased with Me.”

What other bounty can a slave aspire for, after his Lord is pleased with

him? But still, He says out of Compassion and Grace: ‘Allāah is pleased

with them and they are pleased with Allaāh’Taa’laa.

O Muslim! If a man has a billion lives, and he sacrifices all the lives for such

bounties – it is still a bargain. Then, how difficult is it to get rid of Zayd and

Amr and to sever all relations with them for the sake of these precious

bounties promised by Allaāh taālā?

It is the way of the Qur’ān that whenever bounties are mentioned for those who

believe, the warning of punishment is also mentioned. So that people with low

aspirations may heed and find their way, by fear of punishment. Now, listen to

the warnings: Your Lord Almighty says:

O believers! Do not take your fathers and brothers as friends, if they prefer disbelief instead of faith; and those amongst you who befriend them are among the transgressors.

and He says:

O believers! Do not take as friends, my enemies and your enemies...You conceal your affection for them, but I know whatever you hide and whatever you do openly. Whosoever amongst you does this has strayed from the right path.

On the day of judgement, your relatives and your children will not benefit you and will be separated from you; and Allaah táala Sees all that you do.

And amongst you, he who befriends them is one of them; verily, Allaah táala does not give way to people who transgress.”

In the first two verses, such people who have friendship with those who insult

the Messenger [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam],  were only termed as transgressors and astray; and this third

verse is decisive in its clarification: those who have friendship with such people

are also from the same community; and infidels like them. And that he will be

tied together with the same rope. And remember that lash: ‘that you meet them

secretly, and I know what you do in secret and open.’ And now, hear about those

who insult the Messenger and the rope with which they will be tied together,

“There is a painful punishment for those who hurt the Messenger of Allaah” [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam],

And those who hurt Allaah and His Messenger [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam]; Allaah’s damnation upon them in this world and the hereafter and a humiliating punishment for them is readied.”

None can hurt Allaāh taālā as He is transcendent from being hurt; but He has described those who disrespect His beloved Messenger as those who hurt Allaāh.

These verses mention seven whips for a person who has affection towards

those who disrespect Rasool Allaāh [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam].

1. He is a transgressor.

2. He is a deviant.

3. He is a disbeliever, an infidel.

4. A painful torment awaits him.

5. He shall be humiliated in the hereafter.

6. He has hurt Allaāh taālā, the Subduer.

7. And the damnation of Allaāh taālā is upon him in both worlds.

We seek Almighty Allaāh’s refuge from such a misfortune. O Muslims! O the followers of the Prince of men and jinns! Are the former seven on distancing immediately from insolent people better, or these seven latter? The heart being firm on faith, the aid of Allaāh taālā, entering paradise, being included in the Party of Allaāh, wishes being granted, Allāah taālā being pleased and you being pleased with Allaāh taālā. Are these seven better or the seven that betide a person maintaining relations with such people: transgressor, deviant,

infidel, destined for hell, humiliated in the hereafter, one who hurts Allaāh taālā, the damnation of Allaāh taālā upon him in both worlds?

Certainly not! Who can say that the latter seven are desirable? And who will say

that the former seven can be abandoned? But dear brother, mere claims will

not suffice; you will be examined and you have just read the verse: “Alif-lam-meem;

do people expect...” Are you in a delusion that you will simply say it by your

tongues and will be let off without being examined?

Yes, indeed! This is the hour of truth and the trial. Thus you are tested by Allaāh taālā, the Subduer. And look, He is telling you that your relations will not avail you on the day of Judgement; (and says) How can you sever (your relation) with Me and establish with others? And He is warning you: ‘I am not unaware, I am not uninformed; and I am Seeing your deeds. I Hear your speech; I Know of what is in your hearts.’

Do not be heedless and ruin your future (in the hereafter) for the sake of others.

Do not be obstinate and oppose  Almighty Allāah and His Messenger [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam],  . Be mindful, He is

warning you of a painful torment and there is no refuge from His Retribution.

And He calls you towards His Mercy and there is no place to run except towards

His Mercy.

Remember that other sins are merely sins which deserve punishment, but one

does not lose faith because of them; (one can come out of hell) by either being

removed from it after being punished, by the Mercy of Allāah The Exalted; or even

completely escape punishment by the intercession of His beloved Messenger [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam].

But, the reverence of Muĥammad Rasool Allaāh and His esteem is the basis of

faith. We have seen how the Qur’ān reproaches those who are lax in this issue

and that Almighty Allaāh’s damnation is upon them in both worlds.

Remember that if one loses faith, there is no chance of redemption, there is no

avenue for release from eternal punishment. And such people who are disrespectful in this world, about whom you bear concern, will be suffering themselves and they will not come to save you on that day; and even if they come what can they do?

Is it sensible to allow oneself to be seized by the Wrath of Allāah taālā and the fire

of hell for the sake of such people?”- End of excerpt from the ‘Preamble to Faith’.

The Holy Prophet, [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam],   in the view of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, Mujaddid in Ottoman State in the 14th Century:

“The Sacred Law he brought never existed before. This unparalleled law brought by the unschooled Prophet [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam], administered one fifth of humanity for 1400 years in a precise manner. Islam has served hundreds of millions of people, regardless of time and place, as a guide and competent authority or source to decide every issue perfectly. It has trained their minds, illuminated and purified their hearts, trained and refined their souls, and perfected their spirits…

Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be endless bliss, is the foremost practitioner of the worship prescribed by Islam, and the most conscious of  Almighty Allaah. He worshipped with the utmost care and attention to even the smallest details, even during times of peril and throughout a life of constant struggle and activity. He imitated no one in worship, performing it exactly as his Lord revealed to him, and he perfectly combined the beginning and end of spiritual evolution. His prayers and knowledge of Allaah are unparalleled, for with just the Jawshan al Kabir, one of his thousands of supplicatory prayers, he describes his Lord with such a degree of knowledge that all saints and others foremost in the knowledge of Allaah since his time has never achieved a similar degree, despite their building upon their predecessors’ accomplishments. Those who glance at just one of this supplications 99 sections concludes that there can never be another one even remotely like it. While preaching and calling people to truth, the Prophet displayed such steadfastness, firmness, and courage that he never faltered or hesitated. And this was despite the surrounding powers’ and religions hostility, as well as that of his own people, tribe, and even his uncle. He successfully challenged the world, thereby making Islaam superior to all other religions and systems. This proves that no other person can equal him in his preaching of and calling humanity to the message of Truth.

His beliefs were so extraordinarily strong and certain, so miraculously evolved (developed, expanded, and ingrained in his heart), and so elevated and world enlightening that no prevailing ideas and beliefs, philosophies or spiritual teachings engendered any doubt within him. Despite their opposition and hostility, they could not make him hesitate or become anxious about his cause. Moreover all saints (primarily his Companions) have benefited and continue to do so, from his faith, which they admit to be of the highest degree. This proves that his belief is matchless. The traveller seeking God thus concludes that lying and deception have no place in the person who brought such a unique law and matchless religion; who displayed such wonderful worship, extraordinary excellence in prayer, and world admired preaching; and who possessed a belief of such miraculous perfection.”


“After the Prophets [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam], His Family and Companions are the most renowned, respected, celebrated, pious and keen sighted members of humanity. Such a distinction is due to their insight, wisdom, and spiritual accomplishments. Having thoroughly examined and scrutinised all of the Prophet’s thoughts, they concluded unanimously that he was the most truthful, elevated and honest person in the world. The traveller understands that such as unshakable affirmation of and firm belief in him from such extraordinary people proves the truth of his cause, just as daylight proves the sun’s existence.


This universe indicates the Maker, Inscriber, and Designer Who has made it a palace, an exhibition, and a spectacle. Thus there should be a truthful unveiler who discovers the Divine purpose for the universe’s creation, an exalted herald who announces this great book’s meaning, and a discerning master and truthful teacher who teaches Divine Wisdom. He also should teach the meaning and outcome of the universe’s transformations and purposeful motions. The traveller gradually realises that the one carrying out such duties most perfectly is the most truthful in his cause: serving as the Creator of the universe’s most exalted and trusted officer.”


 “Certainly the most beloved who, serving the Divine purpose to the highest degree, discloses creation’s mystery, always acts in the name of that Being (his Creator), and asks Him alone for help and success, will be with Him. This is Prophet Muhammad [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam].”

“The traveller tells his reason: “Since these truths testify to his veracity, he must be the source of humanity’s honour and the world’s pride. Therefore he is worthy of being called ‘the pride of the world’ and ‘the glory of humanity’. Moreover the Qur’an, the All Compassionate’s miraculous exposition and Decree that he holds in his hand, has gathered half of the old world into its magnificent spiritual domain. Together with the Messenger’s[Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam],  personal perfections and elevated virtues, it shows that he is the most important being in the world, and accordingly, that his words about our Creator are the most important… His sole cause was to prove and bear witness to the Necessarily Existent Being’s Existence and Oneness, to proclaim Him with all His Attributes and Names. Based on the strength of his hundreds of miracles and the thousands of sublime, established truths contained in his religion, He is the “spiritual sun” enlightening the world, our Creator’s most brilliant proof, the “Beloved of Allaah”. (End of excerpt from the Risale Nur of Said Nursi)

How do we explain to a person the rights that the Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam],  has on him, and once he knows, how do we serve his cause?

If a person understands that he is a member of the human race who have been created by  Almighty Allah with honour and who has a reasonable mind will understand that they owe their lives to the dedicated service of Almighty Allaah. Allaah is the only one who is worthy that He be obeyed. Well, it is the same Cherisher and Sustainer of mankind who demands that respect be shown to His beloved Messenger [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam],  who He sent for the wellbeing of mankind and as a mercy to them. So his right is that he be respected, and that the things which are associated with him be respected, and that he be acknowledged as the truthful emissary of Allaah Taa’laa and that his word be obeyed as the Divine Word. Anyone who falls short in any of these rights has therefore violated the sanctity of the Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam]. The very least that can be hoped for is that people do not insult and blaspheme against his sacred character, but in our time people who claim to be Muslim followers of this Prophet even indulge in this most heinous of crimes, and they defend the blasphemous writings of their scholars. The way to serve his cause is to truly apply his teachings to one’s life in sincerity after having studied about them in depth, and then once one has benefitted, should find a way to defend the boundaries of the true faith and help to propagate this knowledge to others. One of his rights is that we learn his beliefs in a proper way, as servants to his cause out of our own free choice, and then fight to protect its true interpretation and spread the true creed. The servants of humanity and humanitarian causes who strive for justice can only be the deputies of this Holy Prophet, [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam],  and if they are not, they should realise that he is the pioneer of this cause and that the administration of justice takes place on his authority. It would be seen as oppression enough on behalf of human beings that a day goes by in their lives where they do not sit and discuss the matter of this Last of Allaah’s Prophet’s[Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam],  importance on Planet Earth and his significance in their lives, and how they may render their service to him.


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