Alhamdu Lill Laah-Lord of the Universe is One-Without any Parter-Belief about Allaah Kareem

As Muslims, the phrase “Alhamdu lill laah” الحمد لله
[all praise and thanks is for Allaah Al Kareem] is a fundamental part of our Deen; we are taught to say it from both the Qur’aan and Sunnah.
Hamd is a sincere and true praise, that the Mahmood [one who is praised] deserves. The one doing Hamd is doing submission to the one being praise–out of humility.
Alhamdu lill laah appears 38 times in the Qur’aan, five of them at the beginning of the  Quraanic Chapters.

The expression 'Alhamd' [praise] is used to praise someone by mentioning his perfect attributes while having the feeling of love and glorification to him. 

So if someone says "Alhamdu Lill laah", this means that he is praising Allaah with His perfect Attributes while loving Him and holding Him in a state of Glorification.

Allaah Kareem is One. He has no partners. His existence is essential. He always was and always will be in existence. With the exception of His Being, everything else will come to an end. Almighty Allaah Alone is the Creator of the entire universe.
 He is the Master
and the Sustain-er. He alone is worthy of worship. He is free from all shortcomings and flaws. Almighty Allaah is full of  excellence. The entire creation is dependent upon Him and He is not dependent on anyone or anything. He is always existing
and present. He is free from sleep and fatigue. He was not created by anyone. He is "Azaali" and "Qadeem" (eternal). He does not have parents, wife or children. Almighty Allaah is free from place, time, shape and form. 
In this physical world, except for the Holy Prophet Muhammad
(ﺭﺳﻮﻝ اللّٰه صَلَّى اللّٰه عَليهِ وَ سَلَّم ) no one else was blessed with the opportunity of seeing Almighty Allaah and no other person will be given this opportunity. 
When the Muslims enter Jannah,
then every true believer will be blessed with seeing Almighty Allaah. 

However, it is possible for the believers, more prominently the Saints [Auliya Allaah]  to see Almighty Allaah in their dream, but they will not be able to explain their seeing. The seeing of Almighty
Allaah in a dream is proven from Imaam-e-Azam Abu Hanifa (Rahmatul Laah Alaieh). To give live and death, to cause illness and give its cure, to give sustenance and Taqdeer is all in the Power of Almighty Allaah. 
We should at all times remember Allaah
(make Zikr ul laah) and thank Him for His Mercy and Grace.

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