The Events of Karbalaa- Part-6 -The Household Of Prophet on the Battlefield

The Events of Karbalaa- Part-6 -The Household Of Prophet on the Battlefield  
Karbalaa-Kufaa-Iraq-Household of the Prophet- Muharram

Hazrat Aqeel [Radiyal Laahu ‘Anhu] 
 the brother of
 Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel

After Hur was martyred, the son of Hazrat Aqeel, the brother of Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel sought permission to go out and fight. Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] embraced him. Kissed his forehead and permitted him to go out into the battlefield.

He went out, displayed his bravery and killed many Yazeedi’s and eventually he too was martyred. Now was the turn of Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] ’s brother, who sought permission and went out. The son of the ‘Lion of Allaah’, showed that he had his father’s blood in him.

The Sons of  
Imaam Hasan [May Allaah Be Well Pleased With Him]

The children of Hazrat Hazrat 'Alee [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] showed such bravery that one after the other they were martyred. After seeing all his brothers martyred, his nephews, the sons of Imaam Hassan [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] came to Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] to seek permission. These were the grandsons of Hazrat Faatimah Zahraa and Hazrat 'Alee [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] who were the dear nephews of Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] .When he saw his nephews, tears swelled in his eyes and he addressed them saying, ‘my beloved nephews! You set out with your uncle, thinking you are heading towards people who love us and believe in us, my disciples so you accompanied me. My children I did not bring you with me to face swords and arrows. Listen to me, for these people want my blood and not yours. I cannot give you permission. You all go back into the tents and return with the ladies to Madinah.’ The nephews said to their uncle, ‘O beloved uncle! Send us out into the battlefield with your blessed hands for we are also impatient to go to paradise. O beloved uncle! The thirst of three days has taken its toll so let us go to paradise and quench our thirst with the water of Kausar borne by our grandfather and father.’ These young men who were inspired by the want of martyrdom were ushered onto the battlefield, after being kissed on the forehead by a tearful  
Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu]. 
They shone like stars of guidance on the battlefield of Karbalaa. They also killed many Yazeedi’s and eventually were martyred.

The Sons Of Imaam Hasan

Imaam Qaasim [Radi Allaahu-’Anhu]

Now that nephew of  
Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu]  
stepped forward, the 19-year-old  

Imaam Qaasim
 [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] 
who was engaged to  
Imaam Husaien  
[Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] daughter,
 Hazrat Sakina [Radi Allaahu-’Anha]

When Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] saw this young nephew of his, his future son-in-law, he began sobbing loudly. He said, ‘my son! How can I permit you to go out on the battlefield? Must I permit you to take arrows and sword wounds on your body? My son, listen to me. It was the desire of my brother, Hasan that you be married to Sakina, so when you reach Madinah, marry my daughter and fulfill your fathers wish.’ Hazrat Qaasim said, “My beloved uncle! My father had another desire also. He had put a taweez on my neck and said that I should open it and read its contents during my most difficult time.

I have opened it and it says. ‘O my son Qaasim!A time will come when the enemy at Karbalaa who will be after his life will surround my brother Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu]. So my son, when this occurs, sacrifice your life for your uncle, for Allaah Kareem will give anyone who does so a high status.’

In view of this my dear uncle, allow me to go out into the battlefield so that I may go to heaven, quench my thirst and fall on my father’s feet and tell him that I fulfilled his wish for I sacrificed my temporal life for my uncle.  
Imaam Husaien  
[Radiyal laahu ’Anhu]  
embraced his young nephew and sent him into the battlefield. Imaam Qaasim [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] massacred brave warriors of the enemy, although he was hungry and thirsty for three days he displayed such bravery that he confounded the enemy. Eventually this young man, severely wounded, fell from his horse and reached paradise. Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] ’s brother’s sons had been martyred, and after them.

Hazrat Zaienab [Radiyal laahu ’Anhaa]
Bibi Zainab -
Hazrat Zainab Mazaar Shareef-[ Radiyal Laahu Anha]

Pay Laakhon Salaam...

Hazrat Zaienab [Radiyal laahu ’Anhaa] with her Sons...

His sister Hazrat Zaienab [Radiyal laahu ’Anhaa] stood in front of him with her two sons. She said, ‘O Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] ! Your sister’s sons are also impatient to give their lives for you.’ He replied, ‘Please don’t put me in such a difficult position, I did not bring these children along to take arrows and sword wounds on their bodies. Please take them away to the tents.’ His sister said, It can never happen that my sons don’t defend you. I also want to go to heaven and tell my mother, Bibi Faatimah [Radiyal laahu ’Anhaa] that I also sacrificed my two sons for your beloved son. My sons also want to quench their thirst in paradise. Embrace them and let them go.” He, who was prepared to sacrifice all for upholding the truth, embraced his nephews and sent them out.’ The apples of Bibi Zaienab’s [Radiyal laahu ’Anhaa] eye, the tranquility of her heart, her sons were going towards the battlefield and with tears in her eyes, she hid her face behind her scarf and said, ‘My sons I entrust you’ll to Allaah [Subhaanuhu Wa Ta'aalaa].’ The children were martyred in no time, and they were lifted up on spears. Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] went running and lifted up their bodies and brought them to the tent of Bibi Zaienab [Radiyal laahu 'Anhaa] and said ‘Here you are Hazrat Zaienab, my sister, your desire has been fulfilled, your sons are quenching their thirst in heaven.’ Bibi Zaienab [Radiyal laahu ’Anhaa] went to the bodies and stroking their hair, she said, ‘O my children! You have made your mother happy.’
Ali Asghar-
Hazrat Alee Asghar [Radi Allaahu Anhu]

Hazrat Abbas [Radi Allaahu-’Anhu]

Hazrat 'Alee Asghar [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu].....

After the martyrdom of his sister’s sons, Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] takes his sister by the hand and leads her into her tent. In the tent he sees his little baby, the six month old, Hazrat 'Alee Asghar [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] a child who was still on the breast milk, had his tongue hanging out of his mouth due to thirst. The mother of the child tells Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] that she cannot bear to see this child thirsty for when he cries his voice is not audible. She begs him to get water by any means to quench the child’s thirst.
Karbalaa-Muharram-Hazrat Abbas-
Hazrat Abbas -The Flag Bearer -Alamdar- [Radiyal Laahu Anhu]

Hazrat Abbas ‘The Flag Bearer ['Alamdaar]

[Radiyal laahu’Anhu]

When Hazrat Abbas ‘The Flag Bearer ['Alamdaar]  
[Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] 
 heard this he became restless, and requested permission from Imaam Husaien 
 [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] 
 to go and fetch water from the river. 
Imaam Husaien  
[Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] 
 asked him to be patient for the child will quench its thirst in heaven.

Hazrat Abbas 
 [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] 
 said that it was a tragedy that he was here and 'Alee Asghar should go thirsty, his tongue be sticking out and his thirst not be quenched. Hazrat Abbas [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] said, ‘I am the son of the ‘Lion of Allaah’, who had lifted the mighty door of the Jewish ‘Fort of Khyber’, I am going to bring water and quench the thirst of this innocent child.’  
Hazrat Abbas  
[Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] 
draped the leather water container on his shoulders, took his sword in his hand and mounted his horse. He reached the river; rode the horse into the river filled the leather water container, tied the opening spout, and placed the leather water container on his shoulders.

Hazrat Abbas [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] took some water to his mouth, but when he brought the water to his lips, he thought of Hazrat 'Alee Asghar and he said to himself, ‘O Abbas! It is not fitting for you to quench your thirst before Hazrat 'Alee Asghar.First quench the thirst of that innocent child and then only will you earn the right to drink water.’ He then threw the water back in the river, secured the leather water container and untied his horse. As he did this he saw that the enemy surrounded him. He rode through their ranks fighting, but after passing many, the son of the ‘Lion of Allaah’ was overpowered. He was alone and they were four thousand. Arrows were raining upon him from all sides, and when he had bled so much that he became physically weakened, they approached him. The ones from the back cut the right arm securing the leather water container on his shoulders and it fell to the ground. Hazrat Abbas [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] The Flag Bearer ['Alamdaar] picked it up onto his left arm and those merciless enemies cut of that arm also. As the leather water container was falling Hazrat Abbas [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] caught it with his teeth. His both arms being cut he could not wield a sword or hold the reigns of the horse and the leather water container was being gripped by his teeth. As the enemy fired a few arrows, they pierced the leather water container and the water flowed onto the ground. He let go of the leather water container and sighed and said, ‘O 'Alee Asghar if only I could have quenched, your thirst today, I failed but have a look at my state.’ The enemy dropped him of the horse with spears, and he fell under the horse. They surrounded him and struck him with their swords.  
Imaam Husaien  
[Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] 
 saw his brothers state and he cried and said, ‘Now my back has been broken, all my companions are slain and my right hand, Hazrat Abbas [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] The Flag Bearer has been cut off. I am left supporter less in a strange country.” He ran to the body of Hazrat Abbas [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] who’s both arms had been cut off and body riddled with arrows. The enemy had cut off his head and had taken it with them. When he reached this blood-drenched body he cried with loud wails and said, ‘O my brother! You left me also. We had still so much to talk about.’

Hazrat 'Alee Akbar 
[Radiyal laahu ’Anhu]

He left the body there and returned to the tent and saw his eighteen year old, young son 
Hazrat 'Alee Akbar 
 [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu]  
who was the ‘look alike’ of the  
Holy Prophet
 [Peace be upon him and his family].

He said to 
Imaam Husaien 
 [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] 
 ‘O My father! Let me go out into the battlefield for I don’t want to live if you are slain.’  
Imaam Husaien  
[Radiyal laahu ’Anhu]  
said. ‘O my son! You are the mirror image physically of the 
Holy Prophet  Rasool Allaah
[Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam],
  We look at you and satisfy our desire to see the Holy Prophet. By sending you I am sending image of the  
Holy Prophet  
[Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam]  
out of my home. Don’t go they are after my blood.’ But 
Hazrat 'Alee Akbar

[Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] 
 said, ‘I would also go there where my brother Qaasim is. Let me go and quench my thirst in paradise. Please send me out with your blessings.’ Who was going out, it was the life of  
Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu]
the apple of the  
Holy Prophet’s 
 [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam], 
 eye, the flower of paradise from the garden of 
Bibi Faatimah Zahraa and the 
Holy Prophet  
[Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam].
 Hazrat 'Alee Akbar 
 [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] 
 recited the following as he went into the battlefield:

Anna Ali Ibnul Imaam Husaien  
[Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] 
Ibne Ali Nahnu Ahlul Baite Aulaad An-Nabi

I am 'Alee the son of  
Imaam Husaien 
 [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu]
who is the son of 'Alee Murtazaa we are the Household of the Prophet  most loved by him.

He faced the enemy and said, ‘I am 'Alee Akbar, the son of Imaam Husaien O slayers of the
[Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam], 
Household, destroyer's of the flowers of the garden of 
Bibi Faatimah Zahraa 
 [Radiyal laahu ’Anhaa]  
have my blood on your hands also. Fire your arrows.’ 
Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] 
 reports that the enemy were so confused that they could not fire an arrow or lift a sword. Amr bin Saad, said to them, ‘What is the matter, why do you not slay him. I promise the governorship of Mosul.’ Taariq bin Sheesh, a well-built and merciless warrior, thought here is my chance to become governor of Mosul. 
He charged  
Hazrat 'Alee Akbar [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu]
 with his spear. Hazrat 'Alee Akbar moved his horse to one side, changed direction and cut off the head of Taariq bin Sheesh. 

Seeing this his son Umar bin Taariq attacked the sword drawn, but he too was slain. The other son, Talha bin Taariq also tried to attack, but was killed by  
Hazrat 'Alee Akbar  
[Radiyal laahu ’Anhu]
When the three had been slain, 
Hazrat 'Alee Akbar [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu]
 turned his horse around and went back to his father. His father approached him and  
Hazrat 'Alee Akbar [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] 
 dismounted and said, ‘Thirst has slowed me down or else if I had a glass of water to drink, I will send every one of them to hell. I have slain three of their warriors but my mouth and throat is dry, and I am finding it difficult to breathe.’

Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] 
 consoled him asking him to have a little more patience for soon he will reach paradise and quench his thirst with the water of Kausar. He embraced his son and asked him to open his mouth and Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] put his dry tongue into his son’s mouth. He sucked the blessed tongue of his father and this gave him some satisfaction to return to the battlefield. He proved it in the battlefield that he was the grandson of the Conqueror of Khyber, Hazrat 'Alee [Radiyal laahu 'Anhu] and in his blood and arms was the strength of Hazrat 'Alee [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu]. He killed eighty Yazeedis before being severely wounded and then martyred. As he fell from his horse he exclaimed, ‘O my father! Catch me your son is falling.’ As  
Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] 
ran towards his son’s body and before he could reach him, he saw that his son had been decapitated. 

Hazrat Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu’Anhu]  
stood crying at his son’s body crying and then he carried the body to the tents. 
 Hazrat Zaienab 
[Radi yal laahu-’Anhaa] 
 came out of the tent looked at the body and said; “these tyrants have obliterated ‘the resemblance of the
 Holy Prophet
 [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam]. 
Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu 'Anhu] 
too his sister by the hand and led her into the tent. He asked her to be patient for everything that is happening with the will of  
 [Subhaanuhu Wa Ta'aalaa].

He said, ‘We have got to pass this test of patience and endurance for it is from Allaah 
 [Subhaanuhu Wa Ta'aalaa].

Hazrat 'Alee Asghar’s Condition Worsens

In the tent his wife Hazrat Sherbanu said, 
‘Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] ,come and see the condition of your son 'Alee Asghar.’ The child was in such an extreme state of dehydration that he could not make a sound when he cried or squealed and his tongue was out. She said she could not bear to see the child in that condition, so she said that perhaps the enemy is unaware of the presence of minor children in the camp and he should carry the child and show him to them. She thought that perhaps they would see the innocent child and have some sympathy for even unbelievers have a soft spot for children. She asked Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] to plead with them for a few drops that they themselves could put into the child’s mouth. Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] told her that since she requests that he do so, he would, but he did not trust these tyrants. So he carried the child out and said, ‘Look at this innocent 6 month old child, my son 'Alee Asghar. He is from the children of your Prophet, upon whom you testify faith. So listen to me for I may have offended you but this child is innocent. We cannot bear to see him suffering in this extreme state of dehydration. So please don’t give me water in my hands, but put a few drops with your hands down this child’s throat. If he satisfies his thirst you can be assured he is not old enough to take a sword and fight you. The ladies of the household cannot bear to see his state.’ A heartless person named Hirmala shot an arrow that pierced the throat of the innocent child in the arms of Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu]. Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] saw that the child jerked and he put his little hands on his chest. Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu]began crying loudly, and said, ‘you have no honor for the Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam] also. The non-believers have pity on children, but it seems as if you people are heartless. He pulled the arrow out of the child’s neck and threw it on the ground. Then he addressed Allaah [Subhaanuhu Wa Ta'aalaa], saying

'O Allaah whatever these people are doing You are my witness.'

He then brought the little body to the tents and placed it on the floor. He said, ‘Here you are Sherbanu and Zaienab, now 'Alee Asghar will no more be in agony. For he is sitting on the lap of Hazrat Bibi Faatimah [Radiyal laahu ’Anhaa] in paradise drinking the water of Kausar.’ He then placed the body next to Hazrat 'Alee Akbar’s body. Both sons of Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] were laying on the ground of Karbalaa.

Zamin e Karbalaa Par Faatimah Ke Phool Bichre Hayn

Shaheedaun Ki Yeh Khushbu Heh Keh Sab Jangal Mehekta Hai

The Plains Of Karbalaa, Had The Bodies Of The Flowers Of Hazrat Bibi Faatimah [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu]Scattered Everywhere.

Hazrat Zaien ul Abideen....[Radiyal Laahu 'Anhu]

Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] went into the tent and his ailing son, the 22 year old Zaien ul-Abideen got out of bed, burning with fever and said to his father, ‘O my beloved father! Allow me to go out and be martyred.’ Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] embraced his son and said, ‘ Zaien ul-Abideen, if I allow you to go out then from whom will my progeny continue, I pray that Allaah Kareem spare you, to continue my progeny. He then bestowed him with Khilaafat and Imaamat, then embraced him and spiritually gifted him. He then told him that after undergoing all these difficulties then as soon as he reaches Madinah, he must go to the ‘Sacred and Blessed Burial Chamber’ [Rauza Mubaraak] of the Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam], and present your fathers salutations and inform him of what transpired. After giving his son this advice the Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] gets ready to go out into the battlefield.


Hazrat Imam Husain,
Hazrat Imaam  Husaien  Martydom [Radiyal Laahu Anhu]

[Radiyal Laahu’ ‘Anhu]


Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] 
 ties the blessed turban of the  
Holy Prophet
 [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam], 
 on his head, and the ‘cloth belt’ of his brother  
Imaam Hassan  [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] 
 on his waist. He took his blessed father, 
Hazrat 'Alee’s 
 [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] 
 sword, Zulfikaar, in his hands and advances to the battlefield. He gave one look at the veiled women, every one of them a shining example of patience and endurance. They had reached a stage beyond tears in their eyes for their hearts was crying tears of blood since they had lost their entire family. They watched as their last source of comfort,  
Hazrat Imaam Husaien  
[Radiyal laahu ’Anhu]  
was also going out. He said to his wife, ‘Sherbanu, I salute you for the last time. O Rhubarb! Look at me one time for you may not get this opportunity again. O Zaienab! Your brother is leaving; you are the daughter of the Conqueror of Khyber,  
Hazrat 'Alee 
[may Allaah be well pleased with him], 
and the Hazrat Saiyyidah Fatimah 
[may Allaah be well pleased with her]
  so never stop being patient and perform any deed that disappoints Almighty Allaah and His 
 Holy Prophet  
[Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam], 
O Zaienab! Please never let my beloved daughter Sakinah cry. She is very dear to me, shower her with love and embrace her. I am now leaving and leaving you all in the hands of  
 [Subhaanuhu Wa Ta'aalaa].

As he said this innocent Sakinah came running and wrapped her arms around her father’s legs. Hazrat Rhubarb came running placing her head on his shoulders and cried asking why he was leaving them. She said, ‘what will be our faith in the hands of these criminals?’ Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] said, “Allaah is with you. You are His Prophets children, from the Prophets Household. Allaah Kareem will protect your dignity.” 
 Imaam Husaien  
[Radiyal laahu ’Anhu]  
went out and untied his horse, Zuljanan, and was about to mount it. Hazrat Bibi Zaienab [Radiyal laahu-’Anhaa] came out and said, ‘My brother I have come to see you off since, I will hold the reins while you mount for you had seen everyone else off, I will see you off.’ The crown off Fatimah Zahra [Radiyal laahu’Anhaa] was going to be martyred. The grandson of the  
Holy Prophet  
[Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam], 
who had sacrificed his whole family in the path of Allaah Kareem was himself going out to be sacrificed. He faced the enemy and said look at me, who I am, ‘ I am the leader of the youths of paradise, that grandson of the
 Holy Prophet  
[Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam], 
whom he carried on his blessed shoulders, kissed my neck and cheeks often and proclaimed this is my blood. My mother is Faatimah, the Flower (Zahraa) and my father is 'Alee, the Elect [Murtazaa], My maternal grandfather is the Prophet of 
 Allaah, [Subhaanuhu Wa Ta'aalaa].

the seal of Prophets, Muhammad, the Chosen [Mustafaa] 
[Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam], . I am him for whom the Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam], prolonged his prostration, when as a child I climbed on his back.’ He then said, ‘Come forth you who want to obliterate the household of your Prophet. You who have cut out the flowers of the garden of Faatimah and scattered them on the plains of Karbalaa. Come and have my blood on your hands also. I am the last remaining obstacle.’ The tyrants advanced, unsheathed their swords and straightened their spears. Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu-’Anhu] unsheathed his sword and attacked them and they retreated like a flock of sheep or goats. He beheaded many and their severed heads were falling everywhere. He killed many despite being wounded and thirsty for three days. His sword, the Zulfikaar, displayed that same precision that it displayed at the Battle of Badr, in the hands of the ‘Lion of Allaah’, Hazrat 'Alee (may Allaah be well pleased with him). At Badr whilst fighting in the hands of Hazrat 'Alee, [Radiyal laahu-’Anhu] a recitation could be heard from the unseen saying:

‘Laa Fatah Illaah 'Alee, Laa Saif Illaah Zulfikaar’

There is no soldier like 'Alee

And there is no sword like Zulfikaar

That sword showed the same spiritual strength that it showed at Badr. Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] slew many and took multiple wounds to his blessed body. Amr bin Saad ordered a combined volley of arrows to be shot at Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] . Arrows fired from four sides were shot and it pierced the body of Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu]. Some arrows also pierced his horse. Being pierced by a multitude of arrows, he wiped his mouth and said, ‘O heartless tyrants! You have no pity for your Prophets family  
[Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam]
He looked up and he sees the Holy Prophet  
[Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam], 
 standing in front of him with a bottle in his hand together with Hazrat 'Alee, Hazrat Saiyyidah Bibi Fatimah and Hazrat Hassan [may Allaah be well pleased with them all]. 
They said, ‘O Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] ! Look we have come to take you.’ The Holy Prophet was collecting drops of Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu]’s blood in the bottle and he was reciting:

Allaah Humma Atil Husaina Sabrow Wa Ajra

O Allaah Grant My Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu]Patience And Reward Him

The grandson of the Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam], was drenched in blood and his blessed body was ripped. He fell from the horse the throne of Almighty Allaah (arsh) shook and Hazrat Faatimah Zahraa’s [Radiyal laahu ’Anhaa] blessed soul was disturbed. The apple of the Holy Prophet’s [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam], blessed eye fell off and Hazrat Ali sighed. Him whom the Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam], used to mount on his blessed back fell off his mount. As he fell Shimr and his heartless group approached him and sat on his blessed, blood drenched body. Shimr sat on his blessed chest and Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] said, ‘my grandfather had prophesied that only the heartless tyrants will spill the blood of his Household. You are that individual who is my murderer. O Shimr! Today is Friday [Yaum al-Jum'ah] all true believers prostrate to Almighty Allaah, today , so please severe my head when I am in prostration.’ Even at that critical moment Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] did not desire quenching his thirst or to see his children but to ensure that his head is subservient to Allaah Almighty in prostration.

His submission was for Allaah Kareem, he never submitted to the forces of falsehood. He prostrated and performed his prayer and left a lesson for all mankind, for all times that the example of 
 Imaam Husaien  
[Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] 
 is this that although he is wounded and drenched in blood he does not forsake his prayer [salaah]. So with his actions he proclaimed that if you truly love me take a lesson from my life.

He placed his head on the ground in prostration and read, ‘Glorious is Allaah, Most High! O Allaah! If you accept my sacrifice then forgive the Community [Ummah] of my grandfather.’ At the moment of decapitation,  
Imaam Husaien 
 [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu]’s 
horse rubbed its forehead in his blood and ran. The horse attacked those that tried to stop it kicking and biting them to death.

The horse killed over seventy warriors until Shimr ordered them to leave it alone. The horse ran to the tent of 
 Imaam Husaien  
[Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] 
 and began wailing and crying. When Hazrat  
Saiyyida Bibi Zaienab
 [Radiyal laahu ’Anhaa] 
 heard the horse she said to Sakina, ‘Let me go and check, probably your father has come back.’ She came outside and saw the empty saddle and blood soaked forehead of the horse and it was the sign that told her brother had been martyred.’

She cried as was the Arab custom,  
‘Wa Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] Wa ghariba’. 
 When the ladies in the tent heard her cry they began crying. She said, ‘0 Sherbanu take care of Sakinah whilst I check the whereabouts of my brother.’ The daughter of Faatimah Zahraa, [Radiyal laahu ’Anhaa] whose head cover had not been seen by any strange man, who never left her home unnecessarily, was running to and fro in a strange land, on the plains of Karbalaa, looking for her brothers blessed body.

Al Kisah Girti Parti Gaiyen Fauj Keh Kareeb

Aaya Nazar Naa Faatima Zahraa Kaa Mahjabeen

Gehreh Huwi Thi Chaar Taraf Se Sipayi Ki

Chillaayeen Raah dou Mujhay, Ae Dushmanaanay Deen

Yeh Ibne Faatimah Hai, Mai Zahraa Ki Jaaie Houn

Deedar Aakhri Ki Tammanaa mai Aiee Houn

She said, ‘O nonreligious tyrants! Move aside let me see my brother, for one last time.’ They replied, ‘whom would you see, for he has been decapitated.’

Kaatil Toh Is Taraf Koh Sar e Paak, Lay Chalaa

Tarpaa Zamin peh Ya Badane Shaahe Karbalaa

Fazle Bashar To Jaan Ne Lage Dushmane Khuda

Mujh Peh Ye Aaj Shaheed Huwa Ibn Murtuza

Kehti Ali Ki Kathn Gayi, Basti Ujar Gayi

Pardes Meh Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] Se Zaienab Bichar Gayi

Hazrat Zaienab Went And Saw And She Saw, Her Brother’s Body Lying On The Plains Of Karbalaa.

Nagaan Behen Koh Aaya Nazar, Laashae

Badnoh Peh Haath Dal Keh Lipti Woh Tishna Gaam

Rakh Kar Kate Gale Se Gala Ye Kiya Kalaam

Apni Kahi Na Meri Suni Hoh Gaye Tamaam

Hai Hai Ye Mere Hath Shahide Betaab Hoh Gayi

Tum Hoh Gayi Shaheed Me Barbaad Hoh Gayi

She sat at the body crying, ‘O my brother! You have left us, leaving us to these oppressors.’ The blessed body was drenched in blood carrying multiple wounds. Hazrat Zaienab [Radiyal laahu ’Anhaa] lies by her brothers blessed body and sees Hazrat Sakinah [Radiyal laahu ’Anhaa] freeing herself from the comforting embrace of Hazrat Sherbanu runs on the plains of Karbala looking for her father. Her aunt called her saying, ‘Come to me I am sitting by your father. Hazrat Sakinah [Radiyal laahu ’Anhaa] saw her father’s decapitated, blood drenched body and she fainted falling on her father’s body. Hazrat Zaienab [Radiyal laahu ’Anhaa] lifted her beloved niece up and carried her to the tent. The bodies of Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] and his companions lay scattered on the plains of Karbalaa. The Yazeedis buried their dead, but did not bury the Household of the Holy Prophet. They spent the night there intending to leave the next day. At night Hazrat Zaienab [Radiyal laahu ’Anhaa] left the tents and looked at the scattered flowers of the garden of Bibi Fatimah on the plains of Karbalaa. She began crying loudly and sat next to Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] ’s blessed body saying ‘O My brother! I am your sister alone in a strange land.

Madinah is so far away, from where must I get a burial shroud for you and bury you.’ She looked towards Madinah cried and said, ‘O Messenger of Allaah! Here lies your grandson Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] blood drenched, beheaded and without a burial shroud.’ They spent the night there and were escorted to Kufa the following day. Scholars have written that at the time of the martyrdom of Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] , the sky darkened and stars could be seen and clouds gathered raining blood. It rained blood for seven days and in Jerusalem under every stone blood was found. The jinn wept and many unusual things occurred. The martyrdom of Imaam Husaien [Radiyal laahu ’Anhu] is difficult to express. Lastly I say, ‘O grandson of my Prophet! That place where you shed your blood, and fell off your horse lifting the falling community (Ummah), I pray that Allaah Kareem shower His mercy and blessings on that sacred ground, and your lovers will cry on that spot till Judgment Day.’


Shah Ast Husaien Baad shaah Ast Husaien


Translated by Irshad Soofi Chishti Nizami Habibi on March 1st, 2004 / Muharram 10th 1425

From the lecture of Maulana Muhammad Shafee Okarvi
[Rahmatul Laah Alaieh]