Moon Sighting & Ramadan/Ramazan

Moon Sighting & Ramadan-ramadan

Regarding Moon sighting there are special comments and prayers to be chanted while looking at the crescent.

 Hazrat Imaam Nawawi (May Allaah Bless him) reports  the following  Hadees  in his famous Book, Al Adkaar :

Moon sighting


اللهم أهله علينا باليمن والإيمان والسلامة والإسلام ربي وربك الله

الله أكبر ، اللهم أهله علينا بالأمن والإيمان والسلامة والإسلام ، والتوفيق لما تحب وترضى ، ربنا وربك الله

هلال خير ورشد ، هلال خير ورشد ، هلال خير ورشد ، آمنت بالله الذي خلقك ، آمنت بالله الذي خلقك, آمنت بالله الذي خلقك – ” الحمد لله الذي ذهب بشهر كذا وجاء بشهر كذا

Let us show our Lord Almighty Allah that we are prepared to welcome His Guest and eagerly waiting to accept His blessings by coming out of our home and to look for the crescent.  

While some people are fearful about Ramadan and want to see it leaving, we need to express our longing to join our forefathers who started preparing for Ramadan before months!


Once Again , friends, DON’T MISS IT ! It would be an auspicious opening of a booming season of your life.


Wish you a happy and blessed month of Ramadan !


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