Ramadan the Month of Blessings...for Billion of Muslims

Ramadan the Month of Blessings...

The Month of Mercy ,the Holy Month of Ramadan (Arabic: رمضان) is the ninth month of Islamic calendar. Observing Fast in the month of Ramadan is to follow one of the five important pillars of Islam.

Ramadan is a special month of the year for over one billion Muslims throughout the world. It is a time for inner reflection, patience devotion to Allah [God], and self-control. Ramadan is also a time of intensive worship, reading of the Qur’an, giving charity, sharing, purifying one's behavior, and doing good deeds.


All praises to Allah, Lord of the worlds. He who revealed in His Glorious Qur’an...

"Oh you who believe, fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those

Who came before you that you may keep your duty to your Lord

[Having taqwa [Piety],"

 [Surah Baqarah, Quran].

 Taqwaa means to observe our duty towards Allaah Almighty in all our social and com munal relations); and in our spiritual relations towards Allaah Kareem Himself.

 The Muslims are considered to be both the vicegerents of Allaah [God ] on earth and his servants.

As vicegerents we are ordered to perfect our earthly existence whether it is in our private, domestic, social, economic or political lives. As servants of Allaah  Almighty we are ordered to perfect our spiritual existence.

It is reported in Tafseer Kabeer that fasting was compulsory on all the previous nations, from the nation of Hazrat Aadam to the nation of Hazrat Ieesaa [Jesus]
[Alaiehi mus-Salaam]

Some narrations state that Hazrat Nooh (Noah) [Alaiehis-Salaam] was the first person to fast.

Prophet Musaa[Alaiehis-Salaam] prepared himself to receive Revelation from Almighty Allaah after forty days of fasting. The Jews observed an annual fast on the Day of Atonement in commemoration of the descent of Prophet Musaa

 [Alaiehis Salaam] from Mountain Sinai.

Mountain Sinai

Fasting on the day of Aa'shurah (10th Muharram) was compulsory for the nation of Hazrat Musaa [Alaiehis-Salaam]

Prophet Ieesaa [Jesus] [Alaiehis-Salaam] fasted for forty days in the desert and commanded his followers to fast.

Fasting is a universal institution in as much as all the religions of the world. It has been practiced in different cultures around the world, from the Babylonians to the Incas, the Confucians, Jains, the Zoroaster Romans, the Babylonians, Assyrians followers of Hinduism, Confucius they have all practiced it. The philosophers, cynic, Stoic, Pythagorean or Neo-Platonic, left advice for fast. Great religious personalities throughout history have adopted fasting as the principal method of self discipline.

Leaving the message that fasting and self control opens the door to a deeper, more intimate, more powerful relationship with God [Allah Almighty].

Before the advent of Islam, the institution of fasting was well established among the Christians and Jews living at that time.

The injunction about fasting was revealed in 2nd A.H. in Islam. It gave the institution of fasting a finishing touch and introduced therein method, regularity and meaning, which go together to make it perfect and ever-lasting form of worship.
 Fasting was made compulsory 15 years after the proclamation of Prophet hood. That is on the 10th Shawwal, in the second year after Hijraah (migration from Makah to Madinaah).

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