Tribute Poetry in the Name of Blessed Daughter of Holy Prophet Hazrat Faatimah [Radiyal Laah Anha].



By Fatimah by Saiyyidi Habib `Umar حفظه الله

بِفَـاطِــمَـةْ قَـدْ صَــفَـا حَــاِلـي وَ نـِـلْـتُ الْـمَـرَ امْ
بِــضْـعَــةْ مُـحَــمَّـدْ حَــبِـيْبُ اللهِ خَــيْـرُ ا لأَ نــَامْ

By Fatima my state has been purified and I’ve attained all that I seek.
A piece of Muhammad, Allaah’s Beloved, the best of humanity.

أَعْــلَـى لــَــهَـا الُلهُ قَـدْرً ا فِـي اْلــعُـلا َ وَ الْــمَــقَـامْ
نِــعْمَ الْــبَــتُـوْ لِ الرَّ ضِــيَّـةْ نُــوْر كُـلِّ الــظُّـلا َمْ

Allah raised her rank and station to the highest
How excellent is the Chaste, Pleasing One, a light in every darkness.

أُمُّ الْـحَـسَـنْ وَ الْـحُـسِـيـن أَهْـلُ الْــمَرَاقِـي الْــعِـظَـامْ
لــَـهُمْ عَـطَـايــَا مِنَ الْــمَـوْلَـى كِــبَـارْ جــسَـامْ

Mother of al Hasan and al Husaien, of tremendous ascension
Recipients of grand, momentous Divine gifts.

هُمْ سَـادَة أَهْــل الْـجِـنَـانِ الْــعَـالـِـيـَّةْ يـَـا غُــلا َمْ
مَــنْ حــبُّـهُمْ صــدقْ بـَـا يـَـسْـكُــنْ بِــدَ ارِ الــسَّــــلا َمْ

They are the masters of the highest paradise
Whoever loves them truthfully will dwell in the abode of peace.

وَ مَـنْ تـَـــعَـلَّـقْ بِـــهِمْ يــَـظْــفَرْ بِـــنَــيْـلِ الْــمَرَ امْ
أَكــرَ مْـتِ يـَـا بِــضْــعَـةْ أَحْــمَـدْ فَـانْــعِـمِـي بـِالـتَّـــمَـامْ

And whoever attaches himself to them shall attain all desires
How generous you are, O piece of Ahmad, so please complete the favor.

وَ امْــنَـحِــيْ عَــبْـدَ كُمْ فِـي الْــقُرْ بِ أَعْـلَـى و سَـــامْ
نقوم بحمل الريات الهد أحسن قيام

And confer upon your slave the highest distinction of proximity
The distinction of upholding the Flag of guidance most excellently.

تَـــعُمُّ دَ عْــوَ تَـــةُ فِـي ا لأ َ كْــــوَ انِ كُــلَّ ا لأَ نَــامْ
نــَـلْـــبَــسُ خَــلْـعِ إِرْثُ مَــا يــَصِـفْ سَــنَـاهَــا كَـــلا َمْ

So that the Prophets call encompasses all humanity
And thus we are dressed with the robe of Prophetic inheritance, whose brilliance is indescribable.

يـَـانُــوْ رُ قَــلْـبِـيْ وَ يــَا أُمِّـيْ عَــلَــيْـك الـسَّـــلا َمْ
فِـيْ كُــلِّ حَــالٍ وَ شَــأْنٍ كُــلِّ لــَحْـظَــةٍ دَ وَ امْ

O light of my heart, o my mother, upon you be peace
Perpetual in every state, affair, moment.

عَــلَــيـْكَ صَـلَّـى ِإ لـــهِـيْ مَــعَ أَبِــيْـكَ ا لإِ مَـــامْ
ِإمَـــامْ كُــلِّ الْــوَ رَ ى فِـي كُــلِّ خَــاصٍّ وَ عَــامْ

May Allaah Almighty send Blessings upon you along with your father, the Imaam
Imaam of all creation, the elite and the commoners.

الــشَّــا فِــعُ الْــمَــبْـتَــغ يَــوْ مُ الـلِّــقَـاءِ وَ الزِّ حَـــامْ
يـَـوْ مُ الْــمَــلا َ ئِــكْ تُـــنَـادِ يْ جَــمْـعَ كُــلّ ا لأَ نَــامْ

The sought over intercessor on the day of meeting and thronging
The day the Angels call out to all in the assembly.

غُـضُّــوْ ا أَبـْـصَــارَكُمْ تَــمُـرُّ بِــنْـت الـنَّـبِـيِّ بِـالـسَّــــلا َمْ
وَ نــَكِّـسُـوْ ا رُ ؤُ وْ سَـكُـمْ مَــاأَعْــظَـمَـهُ وَ الله ُ مَــقَـامْ

“Lower your gaze for the daughter of the Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] is passing in safety
And bow your heads”. O how tremendous a station!

أتَــَـذْ كُـرِ يــْنِـي مَــعَـكِ أَعْـبُرْ وَ مَـنْ لَــهُ ذِ مَـــامْ
حَـاشَـــاكِ يـَـا أُمُّـــنَـا تـَــنـْسِـيْنَ هَــذَا الْـغُــــلا َمْ

Please remember me, so I cross with you, and all under your care.
Far be it for you, O mother, to forget this boy of yours!

مَـحْــسُـو بِــكُـمْ يـَـرْ تـَـجِــيْـه مِـنـْكُـمْ بِــهِ ا لإِ هْــتِـمَـامْ
أَ نْـتُــمْ مَــرَ ا مُــهْ وَ مَـقْـصُـوْ دُهُ وَ نـِـعْمَ الْــمَـرَ امْ

Your child is hoping for your attention
You are his goal and desire, and what an excellent desire!

يـَـا بِــنْـتَ طــهَ فَـــؤَ ادِ يْ فِـيْ مَـحَـــبَّــتِـكِ هَــــامْ
وَ اللهِ أَ نْــتُـــمْ مُــرَ ادِ يْ فِي الــدُّ نــَا وَ الْــقِــــيَـامْ

O daughter of Taha, my heart is enraptured by your love.
By Allaah, you are my desire in this world and the Resurrection.

وَ مَــا أَنــَا ِإ لاَّ بِــكُـمْ يـَـا سَـــادَ تِــيْ يـَـا كِــرَ امْ
عَـــلَــيْـكِ مَـــعَ وَ الِـــدكِ أَذْ كَـي الـصَّــــلا َةُ وَ الـسَّـــلا َمْ

And I am through none other than you, O my generous masters.
Upon you with your parents be the purest of salutation and peace.

وَ أَهْـلُ الْـكِــسَـاءْ وَ اهْـلِ بَـــيـْتِـهِ عَــالِــيِـيْنَ الْــمَـــقَـامْ
وَ الـصَّـحْـبِ أَجْــمَــعْ وَ مَـنْ عَــلَـى هُـدَ اهُ اسْــتَــقَـامْ

And the people of the cloak and his family; all of lofty stations,
And all the companions and those steadfast upon guidance.

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