How do We Support the Oppressed? PALESTINE WE ARE WITH YOU?


Palestine,Masjid Al Aqsa
Image Courtesy Patrick Perkins-Unsplash



Unfortunately, we are not able to rescue our oppressed brothers and sisters of Palestine, Burma, Kashmir, Syria and other parts of the world, here is the least almost all of us can surely do in our own individual capacity:

1.     Supplicate for them at least after 5 daily prayers and request the Imaams of your local mosques to do the same in congregation.

The beloved Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] said:


“A Muslim who makes Dua for another Muslim

 in his absence gets accepted very quickly.”


[Abu Dawood]

2.     Write emails, tweets, fax and letters to the consulates and embassies in your country along with the United Nations, National and International Peace Forums to record your protest. You may find their contact information easily on the internet.


3.     Know your strength. Persuade the leaders of your religious and political parties to address this issue in their sermons repeatedly over and over again at every forum or platform to pressurize the government officials and media groups with all their resources to report this issue to the international community without any lame excuses, hesitation or delay.


4.     Educate and aware people around you, your family, friends, and colleagues and on your social media accounts and elsewhere about the disheartening and atrocious situation of the oppressed.


5.     Boycott the corrupt electronic and print media, stop viewing their channels and purchasing their newspapers who are knowingly and intentionally hiding the truth from the masses by not broadcasting the news and awareness campaigns about the brutal massacre and genocide of the oppressed and subjugated Muslims around the world.

6.     Most importantly, turn back to Allaah Kareem, turn back to Islam, turn back to Quran and Sunnah, and abide by the Noble Shariah. Repent from your sins. Be with the pious and truthful. Leave this ignorant lifestyle for life comes to pass yet death is very much closer.

Remember! A person, who is able to help an oppressed person but does not do so, will face a disgraceful punishment.

The Merciful Prophet has stated,

[Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam]

 “When a Muslim is being insulted in front of another person

 and that person has the power to help him but does not do so,

 then on the Day of Judgment, Allaah Almighty will disgrace him

 in front of the people.”

[Masnad Ahmad]

Spread this message. Copy/share on your walls/pages/groups. May Allaah Kareem grant us the means and courage to stand up against the cruel and bless us with the honor and circumstances to help the oppressed. Aameen!

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